sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

La alta moda para belly dance llega a México

Haute Couture para bailarinas profesionales de Belly dance en México llega por fin este fin de año..
Chicas, me da un placer anunciarles que comenzando este diciembre 2012  traeré de manera exclusiva
a todo el territorio mexicano la marca Cristtiano Ferreira® para todas aquellas belly dancers que desean resaltar su imagen y su danza con el complemento perfecto.Tener un vestido de calidad y elegancia es parte esencial de lo que una buena bailarina debe ser.
En mis años dentro de la danza oriental he conocido y usado un sin número de vestidos y he probado el estilo de muchos diseñadores de varias partes del mundo., con este conocimiento, comenzaremos a importar a México los mejores diseñadores de "bedlas" del mundo, pasando de lo usual a lo verdaderamente artístico y diferente......próximamente más detalles, primer embarque llega a México D.F en diciembre...mientras tanto, conoce más de Cristtiano Ferreira....

Modelos hechos con capricho de una obra prima son las marcas constantes en el trabajo del diseñador
Cristtiano Ferreira,joven profesional originario de Rio Grande do Sul, que desde temprana edad trabaja en el área de la moda, se gradua en 1998 en la carrera de "moda & design" en la Universidad de Caixas do Sul.Fué en este mismo año que dirije su trabajo a la danza del vientre, creando modelos exclusivos para bailarinas brasileñas e internacionales.
El acabado fino, las estructuras de la ropa, la manera en que sobrepone los materiales en el bordado son su gran sello.Con mucho talento y estudio, su trabajo ganó fuerza y expresión traducidos en bellos modelos con una terminación de alto nivel.
Para Cristtiano los modelos van evolucionando junto con la moda actual, ganando así nuevas propuestas en tejidos,colores y material,siguiendo esa tendencia con su estilo osado e innovador.
Su éxito también se debe a su equipo que ofrece atención personalizada en su boutique dentro de su  ciudad natal.

AmarLammar® representante official de la marca Cristtiano Ferreira™ en México..

mails a: info@amarlammar.com
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domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Amar Lammar & Carineé

AHHH.... it's a dream come true when you have the chance to meet your idol...
My learning with the belly dancing was mostly self learning, when I was 13 years old I catch a VHS
videotape in which many lebanese belly dancers were dancing almost together in a huge stage with
a public of hundreds of people,all of them were amazing, but there were a few who really surprise me.Carineé is one of those, her fast head turns mark my dance forever.

I get to meet her this last september in Lebanon, she is besides a great dancer, an example of life.
Due to a dramatic accident Carineé got burned,. her face,chest and hands are mark of this horrible experience,but also a great example of her strong heart, that nothing should keep you down, to don't feel sorry for yourself, to take the life and live it at maximum.She continues dancing, I got the opportunity to watch her  on stage, she is a beautiful woman, when she dance, you never get to see the burning scars, just her smile, her rocking body and a dance as simple as magnificent.
I'm taking the liberty to share with  you a video of her old dancing days...
Carineé... one of the best to me.

The easy job of belly dancing...

I have no idea if all of you (belly dance collegues) will feel identify with this post, for the girls outside Middle east let me explain more or less the rutine for a working belly dancer in here.
You work for a Hotel who gives you house and food, and of course your salary at end of the month,so is a work like other job in the world, the main point in here is that your performance time daily is
1hour total....So here it comes the main topic of this post.

Many people consider "easy money" what we are doing here, people say things such as: -"Wow, 1 hr only??,uff I whish I work only that" or "You got it easy, just go inside shake your ass,smile and halas (arabic expresion that means that's it)"- other people even say stuff like: -" You got to sleep whole day and then 1 hour work and can go party".

It's silly to say I have "the hardest job of all" sure we don't, but besides the glamour and the 1 hour performance, is so much more...

The work of a belly dancer starts since you prepare for the show, make up,warm up your body, there's no "sick leave", there's  no tired, no mood or pain, illness,etc. Belly dancer always sould be there.
I'ts difficult sometimes to dance for people when they are not involve on your show, or when in the whole restaurant is only 2 persons.You have to deal with all sort of people, from the staff to the band,
when you start to feel confortable in the place..Pum! time to pack again and go to new place.

Now.. the duration of the show itself; let me ask you something ¿How do you feel after 1 hour of strong workout in the gym? tired isn't it? well...it's same story with daily performances...people think we are made of plastic. to this workout, we must add the fact that perform in a show increase your adrenaline even after the show you feel entusiastic, this feeling goes after few hours, which is not letting you sleep in normal times.
It's so hard to put it in words..but to dance  and give your WHOLE body,technic, mind,heart and soul in the stage every single night is tired and worthy to be paid for.

New month, new video!!!
although I must say this clip is not so new, it have some time now, but it's a song that till now keeps
in the mind of everyone, and still people ask for it on the show.
The duo made by Rami Ayach, (Lebanese pop singer) and Ahmed Adaweya worked as a charm...
I find out many girls know the song, but don't know Adaweya,.still I'm sure you dance in some of his most popular hits, back on 70's and 80's..... "kolo ya kolo" and "Salamida umhassan"!! ring a bell???
not yet?? humm... well what about "Bint el sultan" ? see, I told you, sure you know him or at least listen to his voice... "bhebak nass" means "love the people" the full line is "I love the people who laughs a lot or always" really great song, if you never heard about it, enjoy it, and if you did knew it
enjoy it again!!