viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

Amar Lammar & Madona

Sure you know her... or for sure you danced into  her famous song "leila el helwa", very popular song for belly dancers and re- make it hundred times by many bands and solo artist in the belly dance world!
Picture taken last night in Atlal Palace, Lebanon in a charity event promoted to help a renowed journalist, now victim of cerebral cancer... many artist united forces to help him and his family...
big hug to all people who help expecting nothing in return!

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Amar Lammar & Rony Barrak

Rony Barrak is an amazing talented multi- percusionist  from Lebanon who I had the pleasure to meet, and to listen playing darbuka on his studio two weeks ago. He is a very simple person, very passionate with his work, just as an artist should be !
I have listen and seen many talented percussionists  in my dancing career but I must say Rony is of one of a kind...
This shot was taken on his studio in Lebanon among some collegues of mine, when  we were introduce to his latest  album called "Darbouka city" release by EMI records, I do highly recomended it!

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

From music and other stuff...

Being professional belly dancer and even non professional, always put me in certain kind of troubles while working with recorded music.
You see; normally I perform with live band, so for me it's amazing the idea of go inside the stage and change the course of the show as I check how the audience response to the music I'm choosing in the very same time, I guess, I'm use to work with whatever comes that night, "power of improvisation" is the key for a succesful show in middle east.

 Now... when you must perform with recorded music is a totally different story! There's no space or
few space for improvisation, mostly it's planned step by step ( know some girls even  the smiles, are planned as well). I do enjoy both for different reasons...certain style of music it's very hard for an oriental band to play, but some songs that are amazing live, in cd are just lame.

I don't know if you ever feel this but sometimes, when I choose the music I will use for a show in CD
I have problems choosing the "right" ones, even at the end when CD is done and I'm on my way to
work  I still have my doubts.Then the other part, you have an idea of what you want to do with that music and if you have some crazy stuff to introduce into the rutine,. you spect to have a positive  response from the audiences but how to be sure... it is as sure as to "flip a coin" and hope it come heads.
Of course there are some "tips" that can help you, but even that's not warranty of success.

*To know the place where you will perform.
*To know the nationality of the public, good to choose type of music.
* What they spect from you.
*The "surprise element"

Sometimes comes bad, but other days you just rock it! and I live for those days!! We all live for those days, to practice and practice and hope at the end  people identify with your performance!!!!

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

Amar Lammar & Josef Attieh

I get to meet him one tuesday night in a very well known arabic nightclub in the center of Dubai
called "Serai", is a hot spot in town for people who enjoy arabian music with some touch of house music and english hits... the house Dj, very good friend of mine is always inviting me but, well when you perform everynight with no day off it's sometimes hard to put yourself together again and go, one good night I came and he was singing as that night was a "special ocasion" so here is
the snapshot while he was singing his most recent hit "Law gharabouha"...

sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

Available now!!!

AVAILABLE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ISBF2011 & ISBF2012 !!!!
As probably you already now, I was more than happy to be invited to this wonderful festival in Leiden
in 2011 and back this year 2012 as well....
If you didn't come to the show, now you can enjoy it  in this HD recording DVD with all the performances from artists from all over the world:
·and of course....AMAR LAMMAR

all this great artist with whom I had the oportunity to share stage with....
each DVD have a cost of  €20.-
don't be late and catch yours in:
or send an email to:

*shipment cost may apply

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

Cultural point (only in spanish)

So..... ¿¿are you interested to learn about arabian culture??
You have heard words like: Tarab, Um ali, chikhat, omeyas and haram or halal??
You are curious to know how the oriental culture infiltrate by the very first time in the western?
wanna know the social enviroment in which belly dance develops in arab countries?
well...this and more you can find it in
A blog dedicated to arabian culture and belly dance vision far from what you can find in other websites
Totally in spanish..I invite you to unite and send your comments or recomendations.

Pack your bags and go !!!

To be a belly dancer who works from country to country it's great!! all time traveling, meeting new people, steping new stages, dancing with diferent bands...all the glamour that goes with a belly dance show,. you know, the amazing dresses full of beads and shiny cristals are some of the first things that, when we see belly dance by first time, catch our attention.
The transporting part is a very difficult one...I remember when I first start to travel (around year 2003)
airlines like "airfrance" & others  gave you 2 bags of 32kg. A luxury which is nowadays only affordable for class premier in the planes. The transporting of belly dance "bedlas" are each time more and more hard..of course to go and do a single show and comeback it's not a problem, but when you
realize that have to take clothes for a whole year it's a different story.
The dresses + normal clothes, shoes, accesories, mac, souvenirs for the friends and even more...
the 23kg bag permited is never enough..
Another down side it's that really is soooo hard to move around when you have so much luggage..
Last month when I got out of Mexico there was this guy flying to NL. as well... I didn't pay much Attention till the employees of the airline were rumoring about him and that he payed over 1,000usd
So, me curious I ask about this, they told me he had 7 bags with him....And I assume he wasn't dancer hahahahaha....

So anyway... I think part of why designers like "Eman Zaki" and "Hicham Hossman" in Egypt make
belly dance dresses with more cristals and less embroidery it's in order to be lightly travel trough the world.

Amar Lammar & Abdullah Daoudi

With Abdullah Daoudi in Abu Dhabi, last year... he is a well known singer from Morocco, he mostly sing "Morocan Shaabi" with an amazing voice, I must add...

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Amar Lammar & Nancy Ajram

The girl who doesn't need introduction...Nancy Ajram, the star from Lebanon...
this pic was taken in Abu Dhabi (UAE) she have some kind of special performance in the country.

Amar Lammar with... Tony mouzayek & Ali Deek

                                                       With Tony Mouzayek in Mexico
                                        With Ali Deek in Abu Dhabi at Millenium Hotel

The first one, of course most you know him Mr. Tony Mouzayek is well know in the belly dance ambience around the world.
The second is a syrian singer who became very popular for his powerful dabke songs.

Amar Lammar & Saúl Lizaso

Well for people from Europe,Asia and others..this argentinian actor became super popular in mexican tv, specially cause he showed up in many soaps.
In all my travels I notice that some of this programs are doubbed to many foreigner this pic is kind of old, you may not recognize his face...
                                                          ¿What about now? ring a bell?

Well... I perform for him, and ONLY for him in the restaurant "Adonis" in Mexico city, was his birthday and a friend of him wanted to surprise him by giving him a belly dance show.

Amar Lammar & Omar Sharif 2006

Although this pic is blury I love it !, I met Omar Sharif at the airport of Barcelona waiting the transfer
airplane to Cairo... I wasn't so sure to bother him with a pic, but then I though -"well.. you don't meet Omar Sharif everyday sah7? "-( Sah7 in arabic it's an expression to say "right") So, I went to him:
me: "Excuse me, are you Omar Sharif? " (not so cleaver ice braker)
him: "yes... Iam"
me: "Ohhhh my God, I'm your fan, I saw all your films, can I make a picture with you? "
him: "sure!!!.." (gave me a big hug an pose for the photo)

Then.... disaster! You know those times when you really wanna pic but you are alone, so you are obligated to "ask " a total stranger to click the camera ?? Well Mr. Sharif, came with a friend who took this blury pic... after two shots  same as this one above, I got shy to ask the third one...
Anyway.... was nice to meet someone as important as he is and eventhough so simple and friendly.

domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012

Najwa Karam - Ma fi noum 2012

Ok girls... this is the first video of my I shall start by the Queen of Dabke from Lebanon Najwa Karam, known by her powerful voice, here it's one of her latest hits "Ma fi noum" Hope you enjoy it ! I will post every month one recomended video by me, it won't be dancers, only music which is good for you to dance on ! so... yalla habibi !

The Hindustan times newspaper - New Delhi, India 2

Little more of Hindustan times...but this time in "Mashrabiya" another very popular restaurant in New Delhi, located in Ashoka Hotel.

The Hindustan times newspaper - New Delhi, India

The year 2004 when Belly dance and Bollywood still didn't connect  much; I got my shot by performing some bollywood song hits into my show, removing the saree in public and leaving the
belly dance dress to show! so... Hindustan times came over....

The week magazine - Mumbai, India

Swing, swing and savour...  was how the week magazine named the article about my dance at "Maroush" restaurant, located in the beautiful "Grand Maratha Sheraton" was my first experience as performer outside home.  

The "Reforma" newspaper Mexico

A special party for a special marriage...

Local magazine in Mexico city

Ahhhh !... Adonis! my second home and my real dancing school,here I learned and gain lots of experience to my further profesional  life !! it is a local magazine that used to select the best eating spots of the of them of course was, the lebanese cuisine in " Adonis". Sahten!

The "tv notas" magazine Mexico

A private party with some celebrities of the mexican tv, from reporters till singers and actors were
there to enjoy the party.

The 25 years of "Cosmopolitan" magazine in Mexico

The "Cosmopolitan party"...the big celebration for 25 years of ; Fashion, luxury and glamour in Mexico...and I went home with one of those goody bags! really awesome! :-D